Monday, October 17, 2005

Wes Mantooth is an awesome name, how did they come up with it?

I read somewhere today (or yesterday I can not remember, they all seem to blend in together...ok they dont, I was trying to sound deep or poetic or whatever), on a bbs site, where a girl was talking about what she looks for in a guy, and there was like these 8 qualities she look for and whatnot.

And one of them is something like " will be best if when we go out, he (meaning the boyfriend) pays for everything most of the time"

That really bugs me.

It will be a lot more fair if guys and girls split the bills, would it not?


why would you want your boyfriend to pay for you anyway, unless it's one of those speical occasions.

I know I wouldn't want my girlfriend(if I ever have one) to pay for my dinner, say.

but anyway.


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