Monday, October 17, 2005

Sex Pather........they've done studies you know, 60% of the time, it works everytime.

I think One piece is wicked, so is Naruto.

Hunter x Hunter is pretty good as well, yes I am going to go ahead and say it is.

I wonder if the artists are rich. Man it would be wicked if I can write an awesome book and become super Bill Gates kind of rich.

What would I do then? Probably buy a house in Canada, a really expensive apartment in Japan and Taiwan, a place in Sweden (have never been, so dont know if a house is more ideal than a apartment or vice versa). Buy all the Dvds I have always wanted to buy, a huge ass tv, newest game systems, a libary full of books, cars, and live with my family.

And maybe find like a job, just to give myself a reason to go out every once in a while.

that would be awesome.

What is the deal with this Swedish nanny I have been hearing so much about in movies and tv shows anyway? why Swedish? hmm

now that is a thinker.

Wes Mantooth is an awesome name, how did they come up with it?

I read somewhere today (or yesterday I can not remember, they all seem to blend in together...ok they dont, I was trying to sound deep or poetic or whatever), on a bbs site, where a girl was talking about what she looks for in a guy, and there was like these 8 qualities she look for and whatnot.

And one of them is something like " will be best if when we go out, he (meaning the boyfriend) pays for everything most of the time"

That really bugs me.

It will be a lot more fair if guys and girls split the bills, would it not?


why would you want your boyfriend to pay for you anyway, unless it's one of those speical occasions.

I know I wouldn't want my girlfriend(if I ever have one) to pay for my dinner, say.

but anyway.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Bear can smell menstruation.........

I gotta write something I suppose.

The problem is, everytime I get a blog, I always have this ambition to write something brilliant, something that when you read it, you go "wow that is some good shit", you know, the kind of feeling you get after you have just seen a Tarantino film (excluding Kill Bill Vol.1)

But of course, it usually ends up with me being too lazy and then stop going to the blog and stop writing and therefore people stop reading and I stop caring that everyone has stopped reading and so on and so forth.

To be completely honest, I really dont know what I should write about.

Thought about writing a novel, tried, actually, didnt really work.

thought about writing an english novel, but I dont want to embarrass myself

sometime there are pieces of interesting ideas floating in my head but the hard part is trying to connect them with one another and form a story.

well let's talk a little bit about me then, I think I know enough about me to write about me.

Since there really are only two people who know of this site, and I suspect only one of them will come and read it, I am mainly writing for an audience of one, so pressure should not be that high.

ok here we go

I like Japanese food, espeically sushi. I try to cook but cant. I like to read, but it takes me a while to finish one book. I used to watch a lot of TV when I was back in Canada. I am currently watching Angel and I think Fred is pretty cute.

I like South Park and I think its pure genius. I also think Family Guy is genius but in a different sense.

I like a good piece of steak, Taiwan has the best steak I have ever tasted.

Tuna in Japan is so much better than tuna in Canada. Seriously, no contest.

I dont like to read posts like "do you think you can love someone when they are in a different country" or "do you believe in true love" or "what is love" or blablabla

I suppose that is a phase we all went through or going through, I did. Back in high school I went through a phase where i wrote about stuff like you are the star in my heart and you are the only one for me and etc.

I dont like to generalize things, I think that is a very dangerous thing to do, to generalize anything, Anything.

I try to be as specific as possible, usually.

I bitch about being lonely, but when people do invite me to parties and such I try to think of reasons to get out of it, distance or whatever is at hand at the time.

I like people, but being with people I do not know is a lot of pressure.

I spend a lot of time doing stuff on my own.

I enjoy going to movies by myself. Although there are just about a hand full of people that I dont mind going to movies with.

I am afraid of girls but I am not gay. well not afraid of girls per se, but anyway.

I like people with manners.

I like people who is neat and clean.

I want a girl friend but I am afraid to take the first step. But having a girl friend is not really on the top of my priority list right now.

I am very horny. Personally I think Asian porn is a lot sexier than say Western porn.

I can be funny at times, but true comedy is not easy.

there are several rules to follow if you want to be funny, I have like a whole theory on it too.

I act like a nerd, behave like a nerd and therefore give people the impression that I am a nerd, but I am not.

I wish I was though.

I dont like beer, or alcohol for that matter

I dont smoke either.

I use to have headaches quite a bit, I still do but not as often.

I dont like it when people know they are wrong but refuse to apologize.

Helping people feel good.

This is it for now.