Wednesday, August 23, 2006

I will jam this pen right into your skull.

I hate, and I am using the word hate, I hate it when Asian people rap in either chinese or a mixture of chinese and english.

for crying out loud, seriously.

What the fuck is "let's getting so high" and "check check check my mic"? First of all, one of them is grammatically incorrect. Second , those are not cool rhymes. Rap is suppose to be street, cool, agressive, and more or less offensive. Who the fuck cares if you are going to check your mic, 3 times no less. And what the heck is let's getting so high?? For all that is holy and pure, stop posing.

I hate it when Asian "musicians" do this. But then again, what do i know about rap, music , even?

I am just a dude who wears only T-shirts and slippers and watches tv all day long. Fuck, I even use to play Magic.

I summon you, earth elemental!!!


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